

Absorbing the cries of chaos, they condense and surge forth, converging in various forms towards the sea—Outlet Drift.


漂流出口 Outlet Drift
巫尚碧海 Wusang Pihay,吉他Guitarist/主唱Vocal
布妲菈碧海 Putad Sapoh Pihay ,貝斯Bass player/主唱Vocal
林肯 Lin Ken(Kurt Ken),鼓手Drummer



阿美族的生活中從不缺乏音樂和舞蹈,祭儀的傳統歌舞、阿美古調與生活間的即興創作都非常值得探尋。透過音樂認識阿美文化除了上述型態以外,還有一個由比西里岸部落的碧海(Pihay)兄妹,與他們來自都蘭部落表弟林肯(Lin Ken),所組成的魔性海口味搖滾樂團—漂流出口。

Music and dance have always been integral to the life of the Amis people. Traditional ritual dances, ancient Amis tunes, and spontaneous creations in daily life are all worth exploring. Beyond these forms of music, there's also a fascinating rock band called 'Outlet Drift,' formed by the Pihay siblings from the Pisilian tribe and their cousin Lin Ken from the Dulan tribe.



Living a life of migration and drifting, where is the exit?



Outlet Drift's music incorporates ancient Amis tunes, blending them with the resolute and sometimes psychedelic elements of rock. The three members, having grown up with different musical cultures and preferences, combine their favorite musical elements into their own creations. In today's musically diverse world, their style is distinctive and unique.

主唱兼吉他手的Wusang Pihay父親家裡是部落第一個有黑膠唱片的家庭爸爸喜歡聽西洋民謠家裡就時常播放著日昇之屋(The Animals - House of the Rising Sun)等西洋金曲媽媽則鍾愛金嗓天后葉璦菱。由於父母都是喜歡音樂的人,對音樂的接觸也就自然地從哼哼唱唱,然後跟著表哥學吉他、跟著爸爸彈起吉他民歌開始。起初Wusang彈吉他Putad跟著唱歌,憑著對音樂的滿腔熱情就起了組團的念頭,Putad也在(應該)沒有被強迫推銷之下買了貝斯,成為當時Wusang在樂器行上班的第一個客戶。加上喜歡金屬樂的表弟林肯,三人團成軍,也在(應該)沒有自銷意圖下,成為Wusang工作上接到第一組在樂器行練團的客戶。


The lead vocalist and guitarist, Wusang Pihay, said that his father's house was the first in the tribe to have a vinyl record player. His father loved listening to Western folk songs, and their home often played classics like 'The House of the Rising Sun' by The Animals. His mother adored golden-voiced diva Irene Yeh. Since both of his parents loved music, Wusang's exposure to music naturally started with humming and singing, then learning guitar from his cousin, and playing folk songs with his father. Initially, Wusang played guitar while Putad sang. Their shared passion for music inspired them to form a band. Putad, likely without any coercion, bought a bass guitar and became Wusang's first customer when he worked at a music store. Together with their metal-loving cousin Lin Ken, the three formed the band. They also became, presumably without any self-promotion intent, Wusang's first group to practice in the music store where he worked.



成團初期,窩在練團室也開始寫自己的歌。源於 Pihay 兄妹二人成長過程隨著父母工作的不時搬遷,林肯也很早就在都市生活,三人對自身族群文化認識並不深入,也無特別去挖掘或訴說自身族群文化,三個滿懷熱血的年輕人歌曲裡所關注的,多是對各種社會議題的反叛意識,對什麼有想法就寫成詞唱成歌,看著現代生活庸庸碌碌的一面,也感覺生活就像不明方向的漂流,不知出口究竟將流向何處?


In the early days of the band, they began writing their own songs while practicingin the studio. Because the Pihay siblings frequently moved during their upbringing due to their parents' work, and Lin Ken haved lived in the city from a young age, the three did not have a deep understanding of their tribal culture, nor did they deliberately explore or express it. Their songs, filled with youthful passion, mostly focused on rebellious awareness of various social issues. They wrote and sang about whatever they had thoughts on, reflecting on the mundane aspects of modern life. They felt that life was like drifting aimlessly, not knowing where the exit would lead.



Now that we have returned, and our bodies are no longer drifting, where shall we find the new exit?



Through playing and learning music, the three members of Outlet Drift gradually got to know more and more musicians and musical styles, particularly discovering the abundance of musicians and the diversity of music in Taitung. This prompted them to return to Taitung to learn ancient tunes. However, to learn these ancient tunes, they first had to learn their mother tongue.





Like many modern indigenous youths, their upbringing lacked the environment to learn the life of their ancestors. Besides frequently moving to different places and being unfamiliar with their tribe, historical policies meant their parents' generation was punished for speaking their mother tongue, leading them to avoid teaching it to their children. Additionally, the influence of foreign religions told them 'You cannot sing these songs; you must sing church songs.' On their musical journey, as they began to learn and reclaim Amis music and language, they also encountered voices from some elders saying, 'What are you singing? You are a child of the devil!'


Putad 說:「我們本來就不只是想要傳唱傳統,我們已經失去傳統,在我們上一代就已經失去,這些傳統早就斷層,最重要的是我們這一個世代的新傳統,要怎麼去傳承,當然老一輩不會理解,但是我們會慢慢的,做給他們看,並且是用我們的方式。」在阿美族母語及古調的學習過程中,由於阿美族語的表達方式更為結合地方環境與生活習慣,於是漂流出口的創作也從母語找到更適合詮釋自身音樂的媒介。的確,很多的傳統、很多的文化早已丟失,但 Pihay 兄妹異口同聲的說「你知道你從哪裡來,就知道你要去哪裡」。雖然,面對著族群文化的消逝,要學習與傳承復興母語及文化,還要接受多樣的聲音,Wusang 直言真的很困難、挑戰性很大,但也越來越堅定想要用美好的音樂傳遞自身文化的想法。


Putad said, 'We don’t just want to pass down tradition; we have already lost our tradition. Our previous generation lost it, and these traditions have long been interrupted. What’s most important is how our generation can pass on new traditions. The older generation may not understand this, but we will show them slowly, in our own way.' In the process of learning the Amis language and ancient tunes, Outlet Drift's creations found a medium better suited for interpreting their music through their mother tongue, since Amis expressions are more integrated with local environments and lifestyles. Indeed, many traditions and cultures have already been lost, but the Pihay siblings unanimously say, 'If you know where you come from, you know where you're going.' Although facing the disappearance of their tribal culture, learning, preserving, and reviving their language and culture, and accepting diverse voices, is truly difficult and challenging. Wusang openly acknowledges this, but they are increasingly determined to use beautiful music to convey their cultural identity.





The flow of life converges, chaotic yet serene, towards the sea.



The band name 'Outlet Drift' signifies the members' experiences of embracing and integrating diverse cultures into their lives, paralleling their musical journey. Periodically, their interpretation of the name evolves. Initially, it reflected their search for direction and an outlet while drifting, but over time, it has come to represent a cycle of finding a place to anchor and a direction for their hearts, repeatedly drifting and finding an outlet. In this way, 'drift' and 'outlet' form a loop where an outlet is also an entrance.


如今,再次重新定義「漂流出口」,Wusang用阿美族語來解釋說「Masonolay i Cepo´」,masonolay是漂流的意思,cepo´是出海口,所有的河流都會往下流,最後在出海口匯聚,那是最混濁的地方,經過這個混濁之處,就會抵達大海。藉此比擬生命的流向,三個人各自經歷了生活百態與各種的文化,吸取吐納途中相遇的緣份及想法,最後通通在出海口匯流,朝向大海,於是不再懷有過去那種漂流的心情,「漂流出口」反而回歸喜歡音樂的初衷,是最純粹的一個流向。

Nowadays, they redefine 'Outlet Drift.' Wusang explains it in the Amis language as 'Masonolay i Cepo',' where 'masonolay' means drifting, and 'cepo' means estuary. All rivers flow downward, eventually converging at the estuary, which is the most turbid place. After passing through this turbidity, they reach the sea. This analogy mirrors the flow of life. Each of the three members has experienced various aspects of life and cultures, absorbing and exchanging ideas and relationships along the way. Finally, everything converges at the estuary, heading toward the sea. Thus, they no longer harbor the feeling of drifting aimlessly as they once did. 'Outlet Drift' now returns to the original passion for music, representing the purest direction of their journey.



Wusang: "Of course, there are times when we feel really, really struggling. But because we're not alone, we have each other; we're a band. When we hit a bottleneck, we just clear it up and dig a bit, and then it smoothly reaches the sea." "'Outlet Drift' continues to explore and drift through different musical landscapes, while maintaining a profound connection to their cultural roots. Their music is like an endless adventure, showcasing the beauty and diversity of tribal culture to the world. Every note carries their stories, and every song is a cultural representation. Their music is not just an auditory enjoyment but a spiritual exploration, bringing us deeper reflections on culture and life. The Amis culture has always had a close relationship with the sea. Using the sea's capacity to accommodate all rivers to describe the collision and fusion of various cultures, immersing oneself into the sea is also quite romantic.