Daniel Wong -Playful Explorer Fantasizing in Urban Journey
總是不設限的大膽跨界的設計師Daniel Wong(黃偉豪),以其標誌性的原創印花在歐美時尚編輯和演藝明星間形成風潮,曾為 Nicki Minaj、Anna Wintour、Heidi Klum、Halle Berry 等藝人在演唱會或出席紅毯及時裝週妝點創意而聲名大噪;更廣為人知的是曾受時尚指標 Lady GaGa 欽點為其演唱會訂製專屬服飾。此外還有眾多知名藝人如:張震、張惠妹、Jolin、林依晨、莫文蔚、A-lin、藍心湄、蕭敬騰、獅子合唱圖 、小S、黃子佼、陶喆、Joe Jonas、Luis Fons⋯⋯等,都曾穿上Daniel Wong的設計作品。國內外的企業品牌合作也是邀約不斷,Windows10、Garmin、ELLE、marie claire、GQ、舒潔、7- ELEVEN、City Café、全家、中華航空、Smeg義大利美學家電、Tait Tea、Life 8 、森田面膜、OCCA 行李箱⋯⋯等,都是可見Daniel Wong的作品創意蔓生之處。
Daniel Wong is a bold designer who is always breaking limits. His iconic original textile printings have become a trend among European and American fashion editors and performance stars. He has made a name for himself by dressing celebrities up in concerts, red carpet appearances, and fashion weeks, including Nicki Minaj, Anna Wintour, Heidi Klum, Halle Berry, and more. He is more well known for having been commissioned by the fashion icon, Lady GaGa, to create exclusive clothing for her concerts. In addition, Daniel Wong's designs have been worn by many famous artists such as Chang Chen, A-Mei, Jolin, Ariel, Karen Mok, A-lin, Pauline Lan, Jam Hsiao, LION, Dee Hsu, Mickey Huang, David Zee Tao, Joe Jonas, Luis Fons. He has also been invited to collaborate with brands at home and abroad. Windows 10, Garmin, ELLE, marie claire, GQ, KLEENEX, 7-ELEVEN, City Café, FamilyMart, China Airlines, Smeg, Tait Tea, Life 8, Dr. Morita, and OCCA are all places where Daniel Wong's creations can be seen.
出生於加拿大,在蘇格蘭度過童年,而後就學及工作於倫敦、米蘭、義大利,旅居過香港、台灣, Daniel從生活中接觸過的各國風情與文化已是相當豐富,也因時尚產業的工作有更多遊歷於多國的機 會。雨多潮濕的蘇格蘭,總是覆蓋著一層霧霧矇矇,看似輕輕淡淡而浪漫,但佇立山頭的愛丁堡城堡, 卻記載著千年的文化與歷史,雄偉矗立難掩風華。倫敦的大都會活力十足,是當代藝術集結也是諸多新興創意相互衝擊的城市。義大利的生活,像是活在書中的義式風情,生活就在曾經閱過的文藝復興、巴洛克時代裡頭,藝術氣氛濃厚。丹麥寧靜而優雅,但環境氣候使然,服飾設計則是首重機能導向。在Daniel的記憶中,深植著各個城市的獨有氣息,他也享受著感受各個國度、各個城市的不同風情,這些住過的城市與它們的文化關聯,將會一直跟著,持續為創作帶來想法。
Daniel was born in Canada, spent his childhood in Scotland, studied and worked in London, Milan, Italy, and has lived in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Daniel has been exposed to various countries and cultures in his life, and he had more opportunities to travel to many countries because of his work in the fashion industry. Scotland is always humid and covered in mist, which seems light and romantic at first sight. But Edinburgh Castle on the hilltop has been documenting for thousands of years of culture and history. London is a vibrant metropolis, a city of contemporary art with a multitude of new and innovative ideas. Italian life is like living in the Renaissance and Baroque era that we read in books, where the artistic atmosphere is intense. Denmark is quiet and elegant, but the climate made functionality the most important aspect of cloth design. In Daniel's memory is deeply rooted the unique atmosphere of each city. He enjoys experiencing the different flavors of each country and city. The cultural connections with the cities he has lived in will always follow him and continue to bring ideas to his creations.
提高生活感知成為創作靈感的無盡泉源,Daniel也成為一位充滿盛情與玩心的探險家,在各城市遊歷的旅程中舞動一個又一個的夢幻派對。把喜歡的元素收集起來,自然會拼貼長出新的風景,既然是喜歡的元素,也理當讓作品合適於環伺生活,與之生活與共。因此Daniel的印花設計圖樣或許狂艷及可見極致想像,但機能與質感的追求也同樣貫徹。所以Daniel自評自己與時尚貼近,或許「過生活」是真正的理由,而非為成就舞台而做打扮。以「探索」定義其作品的態度和想法,並以強烈卻細緻的視覺印花呈 現。Daniel所代表的是一個現代及自信的美學風格,他豐富而多元文化的成長背景深刻影響其作品理 念。
While improving life perception becomes an endless source of creative inspiration, Daniel has also become a passionate and playful explorer, dancing in one fantasy party after another as he travels from city to city. By collecting the elements that he likes, he will naturally collage and grow new sceneries. Since they are treasured elements, it is only right to make the work fill his life and live with it. Therefore, Daniel's textile printings may be flamboyant and imaginative, but the pursuit of functionality and high grade is also consistent. Perhaps "living life" is the real reason why Daniel describes himself as being close to fashion, rather than dressing up for the stage. Daniel's attitude and ideas are defined by "exploration" and presented in strong but delicate visual textile printings. Daniel represents a modern and confident aesthetic, and his rich and multicultural upbringing has profoundly influenced his work.
因為喜歡戶外活動,而戶外休閒用品普遍以素面大地色系為主,因此露營及高爾夫球系列的作品,便將都會狂野時尚的設計帶到戶外休閒度假中。與迪士尼的聯名創作中,將分別以公主、反派及米奇系列發展出饒富童趣的跨界聯名款式,更打造實用與時髦的露營必備單品,從保冷袋、野餐墊、折疊椅、2秒帳篷到夾腳拖、漁夫帽都有。今年新亮相的運動支線品牌「D.W Sport」,Daniel則依著對高爾夫球的喜好,構思高球運動前中後所需的配備,同時注重機能性兼顧防曬、防風、防潑水且排汗、透氣、涼感不沾黏等特性,透過愜意晨間、高爾夫球漫遊及歡聚時刻3個主題切入,除了服飾、帽子與鞋款,也開發了週邊用品真空保溫罐、野餐墊、摺疊椅、托特包、緹花長襪、盥洗收納包、中空帽、漁夫帽、棒球帽等,更與知名高爾夫專業運動品牌PXG合作3款獨特印花的高爾夫球袋及冰桶。還結合Club Designer 的選物空間陳設商品及打造室內高爾夫球場,創造「一站式」高爾夫體驗。
Because of the love of outdoor activities, and outdoor leisure products are generally in plain earth tones, the series of camping and golf products brought the urban wild fashion design to the outdoor leisure vacation. In the co-branded creation with Disney, childish products are developed with the princess, villain, and Mickey series. He also designs practical and fashionable camping essential items, such as isothermal bags, picnic blankets, folding chairs, 2 seconds tents, flip-flops, and fisherman's hats. This year, Daniel reveals his new sports line, D.W Sport. He designs all the equipment needed in golf based on his love for golf. They are designed to be functional, resistant to sun, wind, and water while being sweat-absorbing, breathable, and cool. Through the three themes of "Morning Delight", "Golf Tour", and "Gathering Time", he has developed not only clothing, hats, and shoes, but also peripheral products such as thermos jars, picnic blankets, folding chairs, tote bags, jacquard socks, toiletry storage bags, visors, fisherman's hats, baseball caps and more. He also collaborated with PXG, a well-known professional golf brand, on three unique textile printed golf bags and ice buckets. He even collaborates with Club Designer to display his products and make an indoor golf course to create a "one-stop" golf experience.
In Daniel's works, elements like nature and animals are often fused to show the imagination of the wilderness and various stories, cultural inclusiveness, and the diverse possibility of development. Not only does he play with creativity in his creations and co-branded collaborations, but also in his personal home art collection. Daniel says that his life and home style is the same as his artwork, lots of colors, lots of joy, lots of natural elements, and lots of artwork about animals because he loves them from the bottom of his heart.
回顧去年因【2021臺東設計師週—臺東啟乘TAITUNG XTRA】計劃,與臺東在地創作者《池上陶》、《後生織物》的共創機緣,Daniel表示一切都非常棒,比起談最終的作品或是共創過程的歡樂及感動,覺得最酷的應該是這整個計畫本身,藉由跨界交流激發在地創作,創意非常的需要雙面討論與激盪,這樣的交流是最令人驚喜的。【2022臺東設計師週—藝想無限大】計劃也以在進行中,今年Danie改任策展人的角色,將在所有共創作品完成後,為其策劃以台東色彩與Daniel Wong品牌風格共織的成果展演,預計9月中旬將在臺東美術館展出,可期透過Daniel的策展,從他獨有的視角看見在地文化產業的不同風貌與未來。
Looking back on last year's [2021 Taitung Design Week – TAITUNG XTRA] project, Daniel said that the co-creation opportunities with the local creators, “Chishang Ceramics” and “Handmade craft”, were great. He felt that the coolest part of it was the whole project itself, rather than the final work or the joy and emotion of the co-creation process. To stimulate local creation needs cross-domain exchanges, and creativity needs to be discussed and motivated from both sides. This kind of exchange is the most surprising. [2022 Taitung Design Week – MixandMax] is also in progress. This year, Danie has taken on the role of curator and will be presenting a show blending the colors of Taitung and Daniel Wong’s style after all the co-creations are completed. The exhibition is scheduled in mid-September at Taitung Art Museum. Through Daniel's curatorial work, we can expect to see different scenes and future of the local cultural industry from his unique perspective.
|啟程 Departure|
無論從那裡開始 尋找到自己的方向進而確定了目標堅定地走到這
No matter from where, find the way. Set goal and determined to arrive here.
對他而言是一段奇妙的旅程 此刻又是另一個階段的開始
It was an amazing journey for him, and now it is the beginning of another phase.
Any time we can have a beautiful “departure”
Explore with us each different scenic “departure”
- Journey to 100 Prints, 2019
This quote from 2019, marking the milestone of Daniel's exquisite creation of over 100 textile prints, records the story of Daniel's exploration with prints and highlights his journey. His exciting life allows him to continue on one wild and fantastic expedition of fashion art after another, making people expect more creative sparks to come.