
【2021臺東設計師週】設計師交流之夜-跨界增值 設計臺東共好 EXTRA TO XTRA IN TAITUNG




TAITUNG XTRA 2021-designer exchange night has presented the results of the annual co-creation project on the outdoor stage of Taitung Art Museum. This time, we invited Alfie Lin, the founder and director of CNFlower, as the installation planner who guided the students from the fashion design & aesthetics class of Pei Nan Junior High School to decorate the exhibition venue together. At the same time, Summer Meng, a cross-border art creator, and Suming Rupi, a musician, were also invited as spokespersons to share their cross-border design experiences.








As the first county to have a design center established by the county government, Taitung County Mayor Mrs. Rao Ching-ling pointed out, "2021 TAITUNG XTRA is entering its second year. This year, we invited designers and artists from different design fields at home and abroad to exchange ideas with local craftsmen in Taitung. The designer exchange night was also a presentation of co-creation results. We enjoyed this event as much as everyone did and we believed it would also break everyone’s stereotypes of Taitung’s craft design. Under such interactive co-creation and exchanges, the artworks have triggered Taitung's infinite creative energy, which not only took Taitung's craftsmanship to the next level but also connected Taitung's design energy with the rest of the world! We hope that all cultural and creative units participating in the co-creation project can turn this experience into nourishment as energy to create more artworks in the future!"





此次共創計畫邀請6組海內外設計師、藝術家搭配12組臺東在地文創單位進行,分為工藝產業、空間裝置、舊物新裝3大主題,工藝產業邀請到設計師林雅儀Zoie與Daniel Wong;林雅儀Zoie與都蘭部落Ina所組成的蘭調織女,以及偏好使用天然材質,創作手法多元的Kapaz服裝創作工作室合作。Daniel Wong與不上釉彩以生活品為方向的池上陶,以及遠離塑料使用回收玻璃造燈的後生織物共創交流。


This time, the co-creation project was carried out by 6 groups of designers and artists at home and abroad and 12 groups of local cultural and creative units in Taitung. The project was divided into three major themes: craft industry, space installation, and new decorations made from recycled materials. In terms of craft industry, we invited designers Zoie Lam and Daniel Wong. Zoie Lam collaborated with the Atolan weavers studio, which is formed by the Atolan tribe Ina, and Kapaz Handmade, which prefers to use natural materials and adopt diversified creative techniques. Daniel Wong co-created and exchanged with Chishang Ceramic, which focuses on daily life products without glazing, and Handmade Craft, which uses recycled glass rather than plastic materials to make lamps.








In terms of space installation, we invited designers Biaugust Creation Office and Kevin Chou. Biaugust Creation Office cooperated with Fibre House and Casa Yang Books & Art, the first bookstore on the coast, to transform Taitung life into product designs that can be seen in everyday life. Kevin Chou, Myra Widiono Bunun Ramie association, and Mima'an Studio, which uses yarn balls, wool, and betel leaves as creative symbols, also worked together to create the essence of life in Taitung.






舊物新裝主題邀請到年輕創作家徐至宏與周依CHOU YI;徐至宏與以排灣族文化情感出發的阿布金工,和發揮排灣族狩獵文化的拉日革安手作工坊,一同跨越框架,勇於挑戰不同技法及素材。周依則與編織在地阿美族故事的臺東老宿舍及專門打造與眾不同,且富有特殊意義陶藝品的心燈窯坊,結合插畫形塑出全新、搶眼的共創作品。


Jelajah invited young creators HOM HSU and CHOU YI. HOM HSU, A-BU Studio, which is based on the Paiwan culture and emotion, and Razekean Studio, which uses Paiwan’s hunting culture, work together to make a breakthrough in the existing framework and bravely challenge different techniques and materials. CHOU YI, Old Dormitory Taitung, who weaves the story of the local Amis tribe, and Studio Lighted Heart, who specializes in creating unique and special pottery products.